Exactitude Defined

The exact definitions of Calvino’s exactitude is exactly as follows:

1. A well-defined and well-calculate plan
2. Evocation of clear, incisive, memorable visual image
3. A language as precise as possible both in choice of words and in expression of the subtleties of thought and imagination
I find it funny how the exactitude is the most precisely and straightforwardly spelled out quality out of all the memos upon which Calvino explicated; it lives up to its name. The multifaceted, sharp, light-refracting crystal is definitely the emblem for it, what with its birth and growth process’ resemblance to rudimentary biological creatures. This similarity evokes a sense of knowing in the minds of the people perceiving the crystal—you just /know/ what the crystal reminds you of, the way a few well-placed words can let you know precisely the feeling that it wants you to experience.


More of a science than an art (although the two frequently intertwine), like math.

Soliloquy is an e-lit work that took precision, procedure, and resulted in progress. For art, it required a lot of work and methodology. Thus, exactitude is well represented through Soliloquy.

About Pagan Angel

Neither a pagan nor an angel, Pagan Angel is an experiment in pseudonymity. How far can a pseudonym go, free to build up a reputation without the consequences? What stories could be told if you finally gave the unheard their voice? If you screamed the story the world needed to hear, would it finally listen? Some questions are meant to be answered, but all are meant to be asked in the first place. Pagan Angel hopes to help the world find that right balance of speaking and listening until all of the stories it contains are finally heard and understood. Let’s create a world that strives to understand together.

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